
Hongkong 2007

2 nhận xét:

Malaysia Stamps Album nói...

Dear Hà Trâm,

I had great experience while navigating your Blog http://stampsoftramha.blogspot.com/

I had create 2 Blog "Stamp Album" ( http://stampsalbum.blogspot.com/ ) and "Stamps" ( http://stampbooks.blogspot.com/ ) . These Blogs intend to further classify Malaysia issued stamps into a few related categories and to share world stamp enthusiasts with Malaysia Philatelic Bureau issues products.

It will be great if you accept my invitation to exchange links and adding my 2 Blog URL to your blog; I will add your Blog URL into my Blogs too. Thanks

Unknown nói...

Do you need this set of stamp?

I am interested in exchanging stamps with you. I have never had a cover from Vietnam